2019 年の眼科手術件数は2,636 件で、2018 年と比べて手術件数は8% ほど増加し、特に白内障、羊膜移植、緑内障手術が伸びていました。メンバーの変動にもかかわらず件数が増えていることは喜ばしいことです。外来患者数はむしろ減少傾向ですが、初診の割合が11.5%と多く、いっそう急性期医療に特化していっていることがみて取れます。

Here are this department, we focus on diseases of theanterior segment, including dry eye and corneal diseases. We also perform more keratoplasties than any other suchdepartment in Japan and conduct basic research in the fieldof corneal regenerative medicine. We will continue to striveto do our best to help our patients, doctors and researchers.
Despite a number of personnel changes over the last year, we were still able to achieve an approximately 8% increase in the number of surgical procedures performed. This was especially the case in procedures for cataracts and glaucoma, and transplantation of amniotic membranes. We did see a slight decrease in outpatient numbers, however, indicating a shift toward acute medical care.
今年も200件を超える角膜移植手術を行いました。このところの特色である術式の多様化は今年も同様でしたが、デスメ膜移植(DMEK)が本格的に導入されたことが2019 年の一つの特徴と思います。また輪部移植(LT)が一定数行われており、輪部機能不全の症例が変わらず存在することを示しています。
We performed more than 200 corneal transplantations in 2019. While the popularity of lamellar component surgery remained relatively unchanged, the year was marked by the introduction of Descemet membrane transplantation. We also performed a substantial number of limbal transplantations, indicating a consistent medical need for this procedure among patients with limbal deficiency.
