外来のご案内 |
ドライアイ外来 -Dry eye clinic-
第2、4、5水曜日 |
また、新たにドライアイ研究グループ「team FUDE」を立ち上げました。月に一度ミーティングを行い、臨床研究や基礎研究についてアイデアを出し合ったり、進捗状況をシェアしたりしています。
We treat severe cases of dry eye by medicine and surgery.
Our goal is to offer out patients a variety of treatment options, as the causes of dry eye are various. Therefore,treatment may include a change in lifestyle and options other than eye drops such as treatment for punctal occlusion and meibomian gland dysfunction.
In addition, we have put together a dr y eye research group, which will be responsible for new projects we have launched, the “Future of Dry Eye” (FUDE).
Botox injections are used to treat patients suffering from blepharospasm or Meige’s syndrome.
円錐角膜外来 - Outpatient Clinic of Keratoconus and Contact Lenses -
第3月曜日 |
Here at the Outpatient Clinic of Keratoconus and Contact Lenses, we specialize in diagnosing keratoconus, for which we are able to offer some novel treatments, including corneal crosslinking. And, of course, all our patients are followed-up to ensure the best possible outcomes. Until only recently, the only treatment option available for keratoconus was corneal transplantation. Now, however, we can halt the progression of this disease thanks to the development of corneal crosslinking 15 years ago. If we can catch and stop the disease at an early stage, the patient should be able to continue enjoying a normal daily life, and avoid the need for a corneal transplant. Any deficit in eyesight can then be compensated for with hard or soft contact lenses, or simply glasses. This clinic is open on the 3rd Monday of each month.
角膜移植外来 -Corneal transplantation outpatient clinic-
第1、3、5火曜日 |
角膜移植の術式や術前後のケアに特別な難しさがともなう症 例を対象にしています。国内ドナー待機中の方のフォローも、 この外来で行っています。複数の医師による診察とディスカッ ションにより、最適な治療を提供できるよう、努力しています。
We treat patients in whom the severity of their condition means that medical and surgical treatment will be difficult. Our patients are given the opportunity to undergo a rigorous examination and discuss their symptoms in depth with an experienced specialist, allowing us to provide the best treatment possible in such cases.
緑内障外来 - Outpatient Clinic of Glaucoma -
毎週木曜日午後 Every Thursday afternoon |
緑内障疾患に対し、点眼治療および手術治療も行っています。また、角膜移植後の緑内障の治療を多く行っています。時に、非常に治療が難治性のこともあり、 角膜専門外来と連携をとりながら、治療を行っています。緑内障は治療を生涯続けていく疾患なので、現在の眼の状態、点眼薬の使い方、手術治療の選択などについて患者さんと対話しながら行っています。
Here at the Outpatient Clinic of Glaucoma, our team of specialists treats severe cases of glaucoma, including secondary glaucoma associated with corneal disease. To achieve the best possible results, our team works in close cooperation with corneal specialists. Our philosophy is to encourage the patient to gain a deep understanding of their disease and how it is to be treated, something we achieve through active dialogue between doctor and patient.
再生医療外来 -Outpatient Clinic of Regenerative Medicine-
第2、4月曜日 |
Here at the Clinic of Regenerative Medicine, we treat patients with severe disorders affecting the ocular surface, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, and corneal chemical/thermal burns, all of which damage corneal epithelial stem cells. We specialize in regenerative medicine, which involves transplantation of amniotic membrane or limbal stem cells. From this year, however, we have also started to offer treatment employing hard contact lenses. This is aimed at improving visual acuity and relieving symptoms in patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis.
網膜硝子体外来 -Vitreoretinal disease outpatient clinic-
第2木曜日 |
網膜硝子体専門医を迎え、黄斑疾患や糖尿病網膜症などに 対して、手術の適応症例には硝子体手術を行っております。
Here at the Vitreoretinal Outpatient Clinic, our team of specialists is able to offer treatment to patients with vitreoretinal diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and macular disease.